# Adding date navigation

# In this video... (TL;DR)


List of all code changes made in this lecture: https://diff-store.com/diff/section10__04_date_navigation (opens new window)

Let's add the date navigator: a few links under the header that allow the user to go to a date a few days in the past or in the future, to check past habits or what they'll be doing the next day.

# Implementation

We're going to go about this lecture in a bit of a roundabout way, to make it easier to understand where we're going to end up. The final code for this lecture is at the very bottom of this article.

Let's begin by thinking about how we're going to make this date navigator.

We need the current date, as well as 3 days before today and 3 days after today. Each one of the dates should be clickable, and upon clicking it should take us to that date's page.

Let's start by making a function in the Flask side of things that, given any date, returns a list of 7 dates: 3 days before the given date, the given date, and 3 days after the given date:

import datetime


def date_range(start: datetime.date):
    dates = [start + datetime.timedelta(days=diff) for diff in range(-3, 4)]
    return dates

We'll pass this to our homepage's render_template call so it can use it to generate the date navigator. Later on we'll also pass it to every other page in our application, since the date navigator will be present everywhere.

def index():
    return render_template(
      title="Habit Tracker - Home",

So with that, let's go into the index.html template and create the date navigator. At the top of the content block, I'll add:

<section class="dates">
    {% for date in date_range(selected_date) %}
            class="dates__link {{ 'dates__link--current' if loop.index0 == 3 else ''}}"
            href="{{ url_for('index', date=date) }}"
            <time class="date" datetime="{{ date }}">
                <span>{{ date.strftime("%a") }}</span>
                <span>{{ date.strftime("%d") }}</span>
    {% endfor %}

Although this looks complicated, there isn't much going on:

  1. A loop that gives us each date in the list returned by date_range. We'll look at what the selected_date variable is in a moment.
  2. An a element with dates__link class, and a dates__link--current class if it's the middle element of the loop.
  3. A time element inside that which displays the date. This has a datetime attribute which contains the current date.

Note that the a element links to the index page, and passes a date. Let's go and implement that in the endpoint:

def index():
    date_str = request.args.get("date")
    if date_str:
        selected_date = datetime.date.fromisoformat(date_str)
        selected_date = datetime.date.today()

    return render_template(
        title="Habit Tracker - Home",

This now receives date strings. When Python turns a date object into a string (as we're doing in url_for), it uses ISO format. To turn it back into a date, we use datetime.date.fromisoformat(date_str).

With this, our date navigator is done!

Every time we click a date, that calls the index endpoint with a date, which is then used to generate the date range around it when the template is re-rendered.

But, what if we wanted the date navigator to show up on the add_habit page too? And on every other page we make in the future?

It can be a bit cumbersome to pass the date_range argument to every call of render_template.

That's where we can use a context processor to add the date_range function to all Jinja2 render calls. To do so, we write a function that returns a dictionary containing the date_range function. The parent function must be decorated so Jinja2 knows what it's for:

def add_calc_date_range():
    def date_range(start: datetime.date):
        dates = [start + datetime.timedelta(days=diff) for diff in range(-3, 4)]
        return dates

    return {"date_range": date_range}

This dictionary returned by add_calc_date_range is then merged with the rest of the Jinja2 context variables and made available across the board, every time we render a template.

This means we no longer have to pass the date_range function to render_template, and all our templates can use date_range.

Now that we've done this, I would move the date navigator over to layout.html instead of index.html.

--- templates/layout.html
+++ templates/layout.html
@@ -20,6 +20,20 @@
         <main class="main">
+            <section class="dates">
+                {% for date in date_range(selected_date) %}
+                    <a 
+                        class="dates__link {{ 'dates__link--current' if loop.index0 == 3 else ''}}"
+                        href="{{ url_for('index', date=date) }}"
+                    >
+                        <time class="date" datetime="{{ date }}">
+                            <span>{{ date.strftime("%a") }}</span>
+                            <span>{{ date.strftime("%d") }}</span>
+                        </time>
+                    </a>
+                {% endfor %}
+            </section>
             {% block main_content %}
             {% endblock %}

The add_habit endpoint needs to pass selected_date to render_template though, so that the date navigator knows where to start calculating:

 @app.route("/add", methods=["GET", "POST"])
 def add_habit():
     if request.form:
-    return render_template("add_habit.html", title="Habit Tracker - Add Habit")
+    return render_template(
+        "add_habit.html",
+        title="Habit Tracker - Add Habit",
+        selected_date=datetime.date.today(),
+    )

And with that, we're done! Next up is styling the date navigator, because at the moment it doesn't look too good.

Below you can find the final code written in this lecture.

# Final code written in this lecture

--- templates/layout.html
+++ templates/layout.html
@@ -20,6 +20,20 @@
         <main class="main">
+            <section class="dates">
+                {% for date in date_range(selected_date) %}
+                    <a 
+                        class="dates__link {{ 'dates__link--current' if loop.index0 == 3 else ''}}"
+                        href="{{ url_for('index', date=date) }}"
+                    >
+                        <time class="date" datetime="{{ date }}">
+                            <span>{{ date.strftime("%a") }}</span>
+                            <span>{{ date.strftime("%d") }}</span>
+                        </time>
+                    </a>
+                {% endfor %}
+            </section>
             {% block main_content %}
             {% endblock %}
--- app.py
+++ app.py
@@ -1,12 +1,33 @@
+import datetime
 from flask import Flask, render_template, request
 app = Flask(__name__)
 habits = ["Test habit"]
+def add_calc_date_range():
+    def date_range(start: datetime.date):
+        dates = [start + datetime.timedelta(days=diff) for diff in range(-3, 4)]
+        return dates
+    return {"date_range": date_range}
 def index():
-    return render_template("index.html", habits=habits, title="Habit Tracker - Home")
+    date_str = request.args.get("date")
+    if date_str:
+        selected_date = datetime.date.fromisoformat(date_str)
+    else:
+        selected_date = datetime.date.today()
+    return render_template(
+        "index.html",
+        habits=habits,
+        selected_date=selected_date,
+        title="Habit Tracker - Home",
+    )
 @app.route("/add", methods=["GET", "POST"])
@@ -14,4 +35,8 @@
     if request.form:
-    return render_template("add_habit.html", title="Habit Tracker - Add Habit")
+    return render_template(
+        "add_habit.html",
+        title="Habit Tracker - Add Habit",
+        selected_date=datetime.date.today(),
+    )

# Resources